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Class 1 Blog 2024-2025

Term 1 week 5

On Monday we had our Harvest Festival and we sang some songs to our parents.  We all donated some food to the Malmesbury food bank.  On Tuesday we went on a conker hunt and we found lots of conkers! On Wednesday we had a visitor called Richard and he talked to us about staying safe in our digital life.  Today Jessie and Abi made up some games for us to play at playtime.  What a busy week!

Term 1 week 4

On Monday we are having a harvest festival to say thank you to the farmers so we have been practising some songs.  Our reception children now stay for the whole day and they are enjoying snack time, playtime, PE, phonics working in the outside classroom and painting.  In English Year 1 and Year 2 have been writing flyers about meteor showers.  

Term 1 week 3

This week we have been working on a new book called 'Look up' by Nathan Bryon and we have been describing the main character called Rocket.  On Monday a visitor called Miss Diplazes came to our school from Switzerland.  She is staying for three weeks.  She told us all about Switzerland and even gave us some Swiss chocolate. So delicious! In gardening club we picked the apples from the trees and ate them at playtimes. 

Term 1 weeks 1 and 2

On the first day back we changed into new year groups.  The Year 2's are excited that they now get to phone Mrs Neilson with the dinner numbers and the Year 1's are excited about having their own pencil cases. We also have anew child in year 1 and six new reception children.  Our new topic is all about looking after and saving our world and we wrote a song called, 'What a Wonderful World.' When Danielle and Molly were playing in the playground they spotted a massive caterpillar and we discovered it was called an Elephant Hawk Eye Moth caterpillar.  What a wonderful creature! Today we are having a school barbecue to celebrate our new families.

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