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Class 1 Blog 2023-2024

Term 6 week 6

We have been practising our play which is called, 'Greece went to pieces'.  We have been learning new songs and going on the stage to act our parts.  We had an online author visit from Eileen Brown who read us Handa's Hen and Handa's Surprise.  We have also been writing adventure stories about a character going on a journey in a box!

Term 6 week 4

On Thursday morning we did Outdoor Learning.  We went to the park and we drew a map of our bear hunt on a clipboard and then we made our map out of sticks. In the afternoon the new reception children came in to visit Class 1 and the year 2's went into Class 2 and made a sculpture of a heart.  On Friday afternoon we went to the playing field for sports day.  The events we did were sprint, egg and spoon, beanbag on head, skipping, obstacle, throwing, jumping and the relay.  The green team won then we had ice lollies at the end.  How delicious!

Term 6 week 3

In Science we are learning about our senses.  We have five senses, hearing, seeing, touching, tasting and smelling.  We did an investigation to see how good our sense of smell is.  We smelled different smells in pots and tried to guess what they were without seeing them.  There was the smell of soap, a farmyard smell, lavender, mint and a smoky street smell.  Some of us liked the smells but some of us didn't!  We thought the smell of the farmyard was nasty but the smell of the lavender was lovely.

Term 6 week 2

On Wednesday morning we made Father's Day cards because it is Father's day on Sunday. On Wednesday afternoon some people came from Bath Rugby to teach us how to play tag rugby.  We played Gladiator Tag, High Five Stuck in the Mud and Down on One Knee Catch.  Every Friday this term is 'Ice Cream Friday' when we can have an ice cream after school.  How delicious!


Term 6 week 1

On Monday we looked some sculptures by Alberto Giacometti.  He made sculptures of long, thin people hurrying in a city.  His sculptures are made out of bronze.  We thought of different sports that we do and we drew pictures of a person's pose when they are doing a sport.  We decided which one we were going to make as a sculpture.  We made our sculptures with wire and pipe cleaners.  Next we are going to cover them with mod rock to make them stay in place.  

Term 5 week 6

Something amazing happened today, a butterfly hatched out of it's chrysalis.  We fed the butterfly apple and raspberries.  We had a vote for our favourite name and we named it Daisy! This afternoon a man called Steve taught us some circus skills.  We learned how to juggle, how to spin a plate and how to balance feathers on different parts of our body.  

Term 5 week 5

In PSHE and Science we are learning how to keep healthy.  We need to keep our bodies clean, we need to exercise,  we need to drink lots of water, we need to eat healthy food and we need lots of sleep. We have also learned how to brush our teeth properly. Year 1 and Year 2 have been writing instructions for how to brush your teeth. Would you like to read them? The Reception children are now writing the long date on the board. How exciting!

Term 5 week 4

On Thursday some visitors came in to check on how well we are learning and behaving.  Our poems are now up on display. Our visitor thought they were amazing! Would you like to come and see them?  This week we got some new skipping ropes and we are enjoying skipping with them.

Term 5 week 3

On Tuesday a man called Jack came to teach us how to skip.  We learned how to swing the rope over our heads and step over it and when we could do that we tried jumping over it.  Then we did a running skip and a few new tricks such as Rodeo, Pretzel and Crossover.  Our playground council had a workshop to teach them games to play with the rest of the school in the playground. Finally we had an assembly to show the school what we had learned.  In English we have been writing our own poems about birds and we are going to display them.

Term 5 week 2

In English we have been writing poems about an owl.  We used the poetry book 'The lost Words' to inspire us.  First of all we wrote a class poem together and then we wrote our own poems.  On Wednesday we got five baby caterpillars and we are looking after them.  In Science we learned that all animals need water, oxygen, food and shelter.  We are taking care of the caterpillars by giving them those things.

Term 5 week 1

On Monday we did swimming at The Activity Zone.  It was good fun and there was a lifeguard keeping us safe in the water.  On Tuesday we had a visitor who taught us how to cross the road safely.  We need to remember to look left and right when we're crossing the road. If there are cars on the road you have to wait.  

Term 4 week 5

On Thursday it was 'Lots of socks day' and we had to wear odd socks for people who have Downs Syndrome.  We also had a visit from an author called Charlie but he didn't come on his own.  He came with his dog named Sammy because she is the main character in his book.  The title of the book is 'Sammy and the extra hot chilli powder'.  We think it is going to be a funny book!

Term 4 week 4

This week in English Year 1 and year 2 have started writing stories about Goldlilocks and the three Bears. In Design Technology we have been making a moving picture using a wheel mechanism. Today it is Red Nose Day and we are dressed in red clothes.  We  have donated money to help other people.  We had a competition to see who could design the best red nose or tell the best joke. Cherry Blossoms Pre School are having a cake sale.

Term 4 week 3

On Monday we had an online author called Michael Rosen and he read us some fairy tales and his new book was called 'Goldilocks and the three crocodiles'! On Tuesday the Air Ambulance came and taught us how to roll someone onto their side into the recovery position.  We also learned how to help someone who was choking. On Wednesday the reception children wrote in their Mother's Day cards.  On Thursday it was World Book day and we had a world book day breakfast with hot chocolate and pains au chocolate while the grown ups read us stories.  We also had a story with a different grown up and read our favourite books with our reading buddies.  In the week we have been writing a recount of our school trip to Ufton Court.

Term 4 week 2

On Wednesday the whole school went on a trip to Ufton Court and we learned about the Ancient Egyptians.  We went on a coach and it took one and a half hours to get there! First we embalmed and mummified a prince! Next we carried the body to a tomb while we cried and played instruments.  Then we had lunch and a little play.  After that we played some games.  Finally we acted out an Egyptian court.  Eventually we got back on the coach and travelled back to school.  Would you like to visit Ufton Court? 

Term 4 week 1

In ICT we have been composing our own music on the computers and ipads.  In music we were playing xylophones along to a song about the days of the week. In the song we learned the days of the week in spanish! They were lunes, martes, miercoles, jueves, viernes,  domingo and sabado.  Mrs Newman has reorganised our library into a genre themed library.  We can choose books from sport, mystery, science fiction, spooky, animals, fantasy, adventure, other countries, history and it's my life genres. We also still have poetry and non-fiction books.

Term 3 week 6

On Wednesday we made posters to tell people how to be safe online because it was Safer Internet Day.  This week we have been doing printing in Art.  We put hieroglyphics on our printing blocks. On Friday we had a breakfast cafe in the hall and we had pancakes with a choice of honey, chocolate sauce, lemon and sugar and maple syrup.  How yummy!

Term 3 week 5

On Tuesday we went on a walk for outdoor learning but we didn't go to the park. It was an exciting journey with lots of obstacles.  We even had to climb over a stile!

We played 'Follow my leader' and 'Stuck in the Mud'  when we got to the field.  In English we have started writing leaflets about Egypt.  the reception children have been making books. This week Gabby, Eliza, Noah, Jack, Jacquetta, Ollie and Bert have been cleaning up water zone and garden zone.  They even fixed the pump. How tidy it is now!

Term 3 week 4

On Tuesday we went to the library bus and we chose a book.  When we got home we wrote the title and the author in our Story Adventurers leaflet.  Our target is to read 100 books!  On Tuesday afternoon a Police Community Support Officer came to visit us.  She told us about her job and how to keep safe if we get lost.  On Thursday a visitor from Wessex Water came to teach us about water and how precious it is.  We are going to be water watchers so we don't waste water.

Term 3 week 3

Our playground council decided that we would have cricket as our weekly game.  It was good fun. We have started making leaflets about Egypt in our English lessons.  In Science we did an experiment to find out which which cloth was the best at absorbing water.  We did three different tests and we discovered that the green and white cloths were the best.

Term 3 week 1 & 2

Our school councils had their first meeting.  The school council decided to raise money on Red Nose Day, eco council decided to do some litter picking and playground council decided to add more games to playtime.  This term our new topic is about The Egyptians so we changed our role play into a travel agents.

Term 2 week 7

On Thursday we performed our Nativity to our families.  In the morning we did it in the church and in the evening we did it in the school hall.  The Reception children were sheep, the year 1 children were barn animals, the Year 2 girls were angels and the Year 2 boys were shepherds.  How beautifully we sang! On Friday, after school, we are having a school disco in the hall with disco balls, balloons, hot dogs, cupcakes and music. We are going to wear cool clothes.

Term 2 week 6

This week we have made our chocolate bars and a wrapper to cover them.  First we melted the chocolate.  Next we stirred it.  Then we added our ingredients. After that we put it in the moulds and we put it in the fridge to set.  How delicious they looked!  When they had set we put them in the wrapper.  On Thursday we did outdoor learning and we made snowflakes with wood and string and clay pots.  

Term 2 week 5

On Monday in our Design Technology lesson we tasted different kinds of chocolate so we had ideas of what we want to put in our chocolate bars that we are going to make.  On Tuesday we had a visitor called Victoria who showed us how to make chocolate.  On Wednesday we had a virtual visitor called John Dougherty and he is an author.  He wrote a book called 'There's a Pig up my Nose'! Today we are wearing Christmas jumpers to raise money for a charity called 'Save the Children' and we had a competition to design a Christmas jumper.  How exciting!

Term 2 week 4

On Tuesday we did outdoor learning with Miss Simpson and we made paper crowns with leaves.  We played the Bean Game and Ships Ahoy.  We also listened to a story called 'Tree' which had the four seasons of the year in it.  Year 1 and Year 2 have been writing stories based on a book called 'The Doorbell Rang' by Pat Hutchins. 

Term 2 week 3

This week is anti-bullying week and the theme is 'Let's Make Some Noise'. This means that we need to speak out if someone is bullying us.  We have made some posters to remind people what to say if they are being bullied.  Look out for them around school.  On Thursday Mrs gingell held an assembly and she told us which school council we are on.  Some of us are on School Council, Eco Council and Playground Council.  We have changed our role play into a chocolate inventing room.

Term 2 week 2

Yesterday we went on a school trip to Cadbury World.  How amazing! We explored the jungle and saw a giant snake, some mayan people and some Cacoa trees.  We watched a film about George Cadbury who was the first person to sell chocolate in the United Kingdom.  Next we saw a big machine stirring chocolate and then we wrote our names with chocolate and we spread it over the table.  At last we tasted some chocolate.  It was scrumptious!  Then we went in some mini cars for a ride.

After that we had lunch and went outside to play. Finally we had a lesson about how chocolate bars are made. What a fantastic day! Would you like to have come too?

Term 2 week 1

Before the holidays we were inspired by the artist Frida Kahlo to draw self-portraits.

Frida Kahlo used bright colours for her self portraits and put wildlife in the background and we did the same.  Would you like to come and see our display? We have been choosing a council to be part of in school.  We could choose from eco council, school council or playground council.  Which one would you choose?  


Term 1 week 6

Today we are having a Harvest Festival to thank the farmers for our food.  We are singing some harvest songs and presenting a poem.  The mummies and daddies are coming to have a cup of tea and some cake to raise money for Macmillan cancer. We have bought in some food for the Foodbank for people who can't afford it.  

Term 1 Week 5

On Monday in our Science lesson we went to look at the Oak tree and we talked about what might live there.  We set up a camera to video wildlife that might go there when we are not there.  We have finished our display about a woodland habitat.  On Tuesday we went to the library bus and chose a new book.  Sadly Mr Beck and Miss David are going back to Switzerland tomorrow.  We have enjoyed having them at our school.

Term 1 week 4

On Monday we went to Xander's house and collected some conkers from a Horse Chestnut tree.  How delightful!  How many conkers do you think we collected?  On Tuesday a visitor called Louisa came to talk to us about keeping our bodies healthy. On Friday we made models using the conkers with Miss David.

Term 1 week 3

On Monday we couldn't come to school in the morning because there was a broken pipe and we didn't have any water! When we came back we had two new visitors and their names are Mr Beck and Miss David.  They came from Switzerland in Europe. In Science we have been sorting things that are alive, dead and never been living.  For our recognition board we are trying to line up sensibly because we are now good at putting our hands up when we want to speak.

Term 1 week 2

On Monday the new Reception children started staying for lunch and lunchtime play.  They ate up their lunch with smiley faces! We have also started after school clubs which are body combat, gardening, outdoor learning and French club.  Today we are having a barbecue to welcome the Reception and their parents.

Term 1 week 1

We were happy and excited to come back to school this week.  We have moved up year groups and our Reception children came to school for the mornings.  Our new topic is 'Chocolate' and we have a new reward board with chocolate points! On Tuesday we all went to the library bus and got a new book. 

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