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Our Curriculum

At Luckington, the curriculum is not just the traditional curricular subjects; it is everything that happens in school from the minute the children step through the door in the morning until they go home. In fact, it stretches even further than this through extra curricular activities and home learning.


Our curriculum is designed to meet the needs of the children at Luckington.  It is our belief that our children will be the leaders, innovators, philanthropists and role models of the future. To achieve this, our curriculum is based around a set of values, decided on by the school community: resilience, honesty, positivity, compassion, respect, reflection and forgiveness. We believe that with these values in place, a child will be able to take the skills and knowledge they learn and use them effectively as they grow older. 

Our children have traditionally done well in meeting the expectations that the National Curriculum sets out, but the key is that we want our children to make exceptional progress from their starting points, rather than just good progress. To do this, they need to master each step of the curriculum as they go, always building on what they learned before.


Our curriculum is always evolving to meet the needs of the children and to ensure that it is relevant, always reflecting what is going on in the world. 


We ensure that our curriculum complies with the Equalities Act. We provide all our pupils with the opportunity to succeed and to reach the highest level of personal achievement. We do this by:


  • Ensuring equality of access for all pupils and preparing them for life in a diverse society
  • Using materials that reflect the diversity of the school, population and local community without stereotyping
  • Promoting attitudes and values that challenge any discriminatory behaviour or prejudice
  • Providing opportunities for pupils to appreciate their own culture and celebrate the diversity of other cultures
  • Seeking to involve all parents in supporting their child’s education
  • Utilising teaching approaches appropriate for the whole school population which are inclusive and reflective of our pupils.


To find out more, please have a look at our curriculum policy and click on the links below.  If you would like any more information on our curriculum please come in and ask.

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