Contact Details
- 01666 840297
Luckington Community School, The Green, Luckington, Chippenham, SN14 6NU
Community School
Year 6 Residential 2023
This year we took eight Year 6 pupils to Braeside Outdoor Centre in Devizes for a three day residential. After arriving on day one we ate our lunch and met our instructor Cam. We then did an activity on the low ropes which involved balance and climbing skills. We then got settled into our rooms and had a delicious dinner of sausgae, chips and beans with doughnuts for pudding! In the evening we did a night line activity where we followed a rope around a path in the woods which was very steep in places and we had to go backwards. We then did the route again wearing a blindfold and being guided by a partner. This was a bit scary! After a good night's sleep we woke bright and early for a delicious cooked breakfast we set off for the canal ready to do a canoeing activity. We got kitted up and practised paddling up and down the canal. We then played a game where we collected balls and threw them into Cam's canoe to score points. After lunch we went on the climbing wall and did the crate stacking activity. Because we had been such a good group we were also allowed to do the leap of faith. We had to climb up a pole and jump off a very high platform. Everyone completed it - even Mrs Newman who was egged on by the children! We finished the day with a delicious dinner of pasta bolognaise and ice cream. That evening we had a mini disco and went to bed thoroughly exhausted! On our final day we went mountain biking around the Braeside site which was challenging but fun. After lunch we went home weary but with very fond memories of our three days.
End of Year Production of 'Time Lord'
After a lot of hard work, learning the script, singing songs and developing our acting skills, we finally performed our end of year production of Time Lord. It was a play where a game needed to be played in order to save the world from the Dinopods. The game took us back in time meeting many famous people from Boudicca to Beethoven to Florence Nightingale. Our audience said how amazing it was and we all had so much fun doing it!
Luckington Open Gardens
This year we were invited to open our school garden for the 'Luckington Open Gardens' event. A group of our Gardening Club members volunteered to show visitors around and tell them about the plants we had been growing. Despite the very wet weather, they did an excellent job and the visitors commented on how knowledgeable they were about gardening and how confidently they spoke. We also had plants for sale to help raise money for gardening equipment for next year.
Singing Workshop
This week, vocal coach Kate Griffiths, came to our school for a singing workshop. Class two learnt songs that split into different parts and rounds and class one enjoyed playing lots of different singing games. It certainly left us with a spring in our step!
Sports Day 2023
We held our annual sports day on Wednesday 28th June. The whole school was divided into four different coloured teams. Every child competed in five different races including a sprint, ball and spoon, skipping or bean bag on the head, an obstacle race devised by our Year 6's and a relay race. Alongside this they competed in a throwing and jumping competition. Everyone enjoyed the afternoon and crossed the finish line with big smiles on their faces! The red team won overall with green team second, blue team third and yellow team in fourth place.
The Athelstan Museum, Malmesbury.
This week Class 1 and Class 2 went on a school trip to The Athelstan Museum in Malmesbury so we could learn more about the Romans. We did a variety of activities including: drawing mosaics, looking at Roman coins, learning about Roman food, looking at Roman artefacts as well as walking around the town to think about what it was like a long time ago. In the afternoon, we played a game and dressed up as Romans. We all had such a great day!
Year 6 Athletics Festival
On Wednesday 21st June our Year 6 pupils attended an athletics festival at Malmesbury Secondary School. They took part in field events such as long jump, hurdles, javelin, discus and shot putt. They also each ran in a race and entered a team relay.
Parents Maths Workshops
On Friday 9th June Mrs Newman held maths workshops for parents to show them the different methods and materials we use in school to teach Maths in Class 1. The children then joined their parents to play some games which will be used for homework tasks over the next six weeks.
Year 5/6 Cricket Festival
On Wednesday 7th June a team of Year 5 and 6 cricketers competed in the cluster cricket festival at Malmesbury Cricket Club. They played very well as a team and showed great batting, bowling and fielding skills.
National Numeracy Day
On Friday, we celebrated National Numeracy Day. We paired up with our class 1 buddies and went on a measuring scavenging hunt. We had to estimate and measure different objects around the school grounds. We were also challenged to find different 2D and 3D shapes of everyday objects.
Year 3/4 Tri Golf Festival
We took a team of Year 3 and 4 children to a Tri Golf Festival at Malmesbury Secondary School. The children rotated around a range of golf challenges which included chipping and putting. They scored points for accuracy and distance. Everyone enjoyed an afternoon of practising and learning new skills.
Year 5/6 Tennis Festival
We took a team of Year 5 and 6 pupils to a tennis festival at Malmesbury Secondary School. Each player played seven games and showed some great tennis skills. The scores were very close in most games and there were some great rallies seen.
Celebrating the Coronation of King Charles III
To celebrate the coronation of King Charles III we came to school wearing red, white and blue. We designed and decorated Coronation mugs with our buddies and then had a street party. We finished our celebrations by singing The National Anthem together.
Metal Detecting
Local detectorists Martin and Amber came in to talk to us to kick start our topic 'What's beneath our feet.' They showed us how to use metal detectors to find things under the ground and told us about some of the historical items they had found while metal detecting which help us find out about the past. We then had a go at metal detecting and found a few treasures buried in our school grounds!
The Sherburne Ensemble
As part of the music cluster project, we welcomed the Sherburne Ensemble to school to showcase their talent. The orchestra entertained us with many musical arrangements from Harry Potter to the Greatest Showman as well as opera! They told us about their different instruments and the different sounds they could make. The French horn player could also play the hose pipe!!!! They were fabulous!
Year 3/4 Football Festival
On Wednesday 22nd March we took ten Year 3 and 4 pupils to participate in a football festival at The Red Bull pitches in Malmesbury. We played eight matches where the players showcased the skills of attacking, defending, passing, shooting and goal keeping that they have been practising in football club. We came 5th out of nine schools after losing two games drawing three and winning three. Well done to all of the team who worked well together and played with big smiles on their faces!
World Down Syndrome Day
On Tuesday 21st March we celebrated World Down Syndrome Day by wearing different socks to school. Each class held an assembly to discuss the fact that we are all unique just like our socks!
Visit from Wiltshire Air Ambulance
On Tuesday 14th March we had a visit from Andrew who works at Wiltshire Air Ambulance. He told us all about the important job that they do in saving people's lives. He also told us who to call and what information to give if we needed help in an emergency. Andrew then showed Class 1 how to put someone in the recovery position using the acronym HALO (hand, arm, leg, over).
World Book Week
During the week beginning 27th February we held a special week to celebrate books and reading for pleasure. On Monday we bought our favourite books into school and shared them with our reading buddies. On Tuesday we listened to stories or poems read by a different adult. On Wednesday we wrote book reviews of some of the new non-fiction books in our library. On Thursday which was World Book Day, we had breakfast in the hall while mums, dads, big brothers, grannies and community members read us stories. We also had a second hand book sale to raise money for a reading charity. On Friday our teachers introduced us to a new basket of books in our classroom. A 'reader of the week' can choose to take a book from the basket with a sachet of hot chocolate to enjoy at home.
Netball Friendly Match
Lea & Garsdon School kindly invited us to play a mini-tournament with them and a team from Minety School on Wednesday 1st March. It was a great opportunity to practise the skills we learned at Netball Club. We swapped positions so that we could experience playing in different positions. We played three matches winning one, drawing one and losing one and came second overall. Thank you to Lea & Garsdon for hosting a very enjoyable afternoon.
Westonbirt Cross Country Festival
We took a group of thirteen pupils to a cross country festival at Westonbirt School. The Year 3/4 children ran a course which was 1500m and the Year 5/6 children ran 2100m. They all ran extremely well in very muddy and slippery conditions. They also showed exceptional support for their team mates and cheered their friends on in every race!
Gymnastics Festival
We took a group of keen gymnasts to the Malmesbury Cluster Gymnastics Festival. They performed a vault and a floor routine which they had been working on in our after school gym club. We then got to use the gymnastics equipment in Malmesbury Secondary School's gym and in The Activity Zone. There were PE leaders from the secondary school to help us learn new skills and try new things which was great fun!
Christmas Lunch
We enjoyed Christmas lunch at 'The Old Royal Ship' on the last day of term. Our Year 6's then organised a game of skittles which was great fun. The Snowy Nosemen team narrowly beat The Rudolph Reindeer team! We even had a visit from Father Christmas. Thank you to the pub for having us and providing us with a delicious lunch.
Snow Day!
We had great fun playing in the snow today! We warmed up afterwards with a mug of hot chocolate!
Design a flag competition
This year the Luckington Playground Committee celebrated it's 60th anniversary. We were asked to design a flag to commemorate this. The design brief was to include the name of the committee and the year it was formed and to represent how we see the playground. After looking through all the amazing designs the committee chose Alex's design and made it into a flag which will be flown at different times during the year on the flagpole in the village.
Cross Country Festival
We took a team of ten children to the Cross Country festival at Malmesbury Secondary School. Everyone ran brilliantly showing a great deal of positivity and resilience despite the heavy rain and muddy conditions. Charlie came 1st overall in the Year 3/4 boy's race with Miles coming 9th, Leo 14th and Peter 27th. The boy's team came third out of all the attending schools. In the Year 3/4 girl's race Jessie came 10th, Abi 12th and Darcie 14th. In the year 5/6 boy's race Bode cam 7th and Harry 15th. In the girl's Y5/6 race Lily came 4th. A great set of results on such a wet day!
Tops Activity Festival
This week we took group of six children to a Tops activity festival at The Activity Zone in Malmesbury. The children participated in lots of different sports including football, basket ball, agility ladders and curling. They enjoyed the activities and worked well as a team.
This week the whole school went to County hall in Trowbridge to a Science, engineering, technology and maths exhibition. We were able to visit different stands to do experiments, use technology and create things. We pushed skewers through a balloon using oil to stop it popping, we made 3D structures with cocktail sticks and sweets. We observed a rocket experiment and programmed mini robots. We even saw a Dalek dance and talked to an astronaut!
E-safety workshops
Richard Pomfret from The stay Safe Initiative visited us and taught us all about staying safe online. We learned about appropriate apps and games to play and what to do if anything worries us when we are online.
Year 5/6 Football Festival
On Wednesday 21st September we took a team of Year4, 5 and 6 boys to a cluster Football Festival in Malmesbury. They played brilliantly and worked particularly well together as a team. We drew three games and won one and came third in our group overall. This was a fantastic achievement - well done!
Life Education Base
Both classes had a visit from the Life Education base. Class 1 had a session about feelings and keeping our bodies healthy. Class 2 had a session called 'It's Great to be me'. Both classes enjoyed the sessions and learned a great deal about looking after their bodies and their mental health.
Year 6 Bike ability
Our Year 6 pupils had a two day course on looking after their bikes and how to ride them safely. They then did a very long bike ride all the way to Sherston along the roads! They all achieved a bike ability certificate.
Luckington Community School, The Green, Luckington, Chippenham, SN14 6NU