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Class 2 Blog 2023-2024

Term 5 - Week Commencing 20th May

In English, we went onto Purple Mash and typed up leaflets about a Greek landmark. Everyone had to choose either: the Acropolis, Knossos Palace, Olympia or the Temple of Poseidon. After we had finished all of the information, we could add some pictures of our landmarks and then print them and take them home!

Term 5 - Week Commencing 6th May

In PE, we have started to learn about Cricket. Firstly, everyone did an energiser where we did different actions of movement and then we learned about bowling. We tried to aim at the stumps and knock them with the ball. After, we went to the field and played some games there. We are all enjoying this term's PE and can't wait for next Friday.

Term 5 - Week Commencing 29th April

This week, we had some crawly friends arrive at Luckington, caterpillars! Their names are: Curly, Colin, Cuthbert, Wiggles and Cecil (named after the different caterpillar cakes!). They arrived in a box and they are so cute! They have grown a bit every day and will soon begin to make their chrysalis and prepare to turn into butterflies. We are so excited to see them grow!

Term 5 - Week Commencing 22nd April

In Science, we have been learning about healthy eating. We learned about the different parts of our diet: fruits and vegetables, carbohydrates, oils and spreads, dairy, proteins and sugars. We learned about what each element did like if it gave us energy or helped strengthen our bones. We then made an 'eatwell plate' where we each had to sort different people's diets. We found it super interesting learning about this, especially how many teaspoons of sugar were in a cupcake!

Term 5 - Week Commencing 15th April

This week was our first week back at school and on Monday we started swimming lessons. First, we went on a coach and went up to Malmesbury. Once we were at the Activity Zone, we got put into different level groups. We got to swim lengths in the whirlpool and practice different strokes. Whilst the other class were swimming the rest of us got to sit in the viewing area. It was lots of fun and we cannot wait to go again next week!

Term 4 - Week Commencing 11th March

This week is Science Week across the country and we carried out a STEM project which was making a bridge that would be able to hold weights. We got into groups and designed the structure for our bridges before we started making them. It was a competition to see who could create the strongest bridge. We could use newspaper, lolly sticks, straws, masking tape, buttons, log slices and our imaginations! We are going to test them tomorrow to see who has the strongest, most well designed bridge.

Term 4 - Week Commencing 4th March

In Science we have been learning about friction. We carried out an experiment where we tested how different surfaces affect the speed of a toy van. We used sandpaper, carpet, cardboard and bubble wrap. The one that made the van go the fastest was either the cardboard or the sand paper. The slowest was the bubble wrap. We also learnt that if 2 rough surfaces rub together they produce more friction than 2 smooth surfaces.

Term 4 - Week Commencing 26th February

On Wednesday, we went on an incredible trip to Ufton Court. We learnt about the Egyptians way of life. In the morning, we did a fun activity of acting out the mummification process. There were plenty of jobs such as; one priest, two embalmers, four cleaners and six sarcophagus carriers. The embalmers were in charge of taking out the organs and hooking the brains out! After lunch we played games of how the Egyptians went into the afterlife. The best bit was playing a truth or dare game where we got to throw rocks (soft tennis balls) at each other!

Term 3 - Week Commencing 5th February

This week was Art week! We all had the opportunity to make our own death masks based on those in Ancient Egypt. We started by researching photographs of death masks and used these as inspiration to design our own in our sketch books. We then used a plastic mask, newspaper and masking tape to create our designs. Next we covered them all over in Modroc and patiently waited for them to harden. On Friday, we painted gold onto our death masks. We are looking forward to finishing the painting on our masks after half term.

Term 3 - Week Commencing 29th January

On Thursday a group of us went to Malmesbury Activity Zone to the Key Stage 2 Gymnastics Festival. We had to compete in different rounds, but we also got to visit the secondary school and play on their equipment. We had great results with 4 out of 8 of us getting a place. The Year 3 boys came joint 3rd intermediate floor, one Year 5 came 1st in the intermediate floor and 3rd in the overall intermediate floor and another Year 5 came 2nd in the advance floor. We are so proud of how well we did, well done Luckington!

Term 3 - Week Commencing 22nd January

We have been so busy this week learning about magnets. We have used our learning to create magnetic board games. The aim for our games was to have a north pole attracting a south pole and making something move. Some of us made fishing games and others made mazes using a magnet to move a magnetic counter around. Once we had made our game, we got to play it with our friends which was so much fun!

Term 3 - Week Commencing 15th January 

We have been focusing this week on how you plan out the stages of a science experiment. We have to use different subheadings such as; aim, method, fair test, conclusion and lots more! We have planned out some science experiments and are looking forward to doing these in the coming weeks.

Term 3 -Week Commencing 8th January 

We started our new topic this week about the Ancient Egyptians. We looked at some photographs of the artefacts found in Tutankhamun’s tomb. We all found it very interesting, and the artefacts looked magnificent! In Years 3 and 4 we had to match up different photographs with their names and facts. In Years 5 and 6 we had to pick an artefact to sketch and write facts about.

Term 3 - Week Commencing 1st January

This week we planned and carried out an experiment about tooth decay. We looked at what is good for your teeth and what is bad for them. We attempted to replicate what different drinks did to our teeth by testing them on eggshells. We tested water, coke, tea, coffee, vinegar and kept a control egg with nothing on. Water did not have any effect on the eggshell, tea stained the shells and vinegar dissolved the shell!

Term 2 - Week Commencing 11th December

This week we completed our design process and made a chocolate bar each. We could choose up to two ingredients and added them to melted chocolate. We poured the mixture into a chocolate mould. Mrs Wood kindly put the bars into the fridge for us so that they would set. We are looking forward to putting our chocolate bars into their wrappers and taking them home. They are going to be delicious!

Term 2 - Week Commencing 4th December

Year 3 and 4 Outdoor Learning

We had a really fun afternoon on Wednesday. We went across to the park and we made bird feeders using pine cones, rope, lard and bird seed. After this, we went back to class and made small clay pots to put candles in for Christmas.  We decorated the pots with holly and the only tools that we were allowed to use were sticks that we had found. We got a little bit wet and a little bit muddy but we really enjoyed ourselves.


Year 5 and 6 Swimming Festival

On Wednesday, we went to a swimming gala and competed against 7 other schools. There were a lot of races, and we did a lot of swimming, including a free style warm-up! There were individual races as well as medley relays. Overall the Y5 girls were 1st, the Y5 boys came 2nd and the Y6 boys also came 2nd. We had a great time and supported each other. We can’t wait to go again next year! Thank you to Mrs Newman and our parents for taking us and to Malmesbury School for organising everything.


Term 2 - Week Commencing 27th November

This week we were very excited to be making our own chocolate bar wrappers complete with the name, price, weight and company. We did this by making a 3D cuboid model and then designing the outside to make it appealing. We had to also come up with a list of ingredients for our bars. We are really looking forward to making our chocolate and hope that one day we might become famous for our chocolate creations!

Term 2 - Week Commencing 20th November

This week we were excited to begin Outdoor Learning with Miss Simpson and Mrs Wood. We had to walk to and from the park and used our road safety knowledge to do it safely. When we were there, we made brightly coloured dream catchers. We found 3 sticks and tied colourful wool around them in all directions to secure them into a triangle shape. After tying it together, we had to loop different coloured wool around the triangle to create our beautiful dream catchers.

Term 2 - Week Commencing 6th November

On Wednesday, we were lucky enough to go on a school trip to Cadbury World. We explored the wonders of the chocolate factory and learned about the different machines they used to make the chocolate. We went to the Cadbury cinema (the cinema chairs shook!) and learned the history of Bourneville and the Mayans. We got to taste some chocolate and choose the toppings that we wanted, the buttons were our favourite! It was a long coach journey home, we were all super tired but pleased when we got back with our 4 bars of chocolate!

Term 1 - Week Commencing 9th October 

This term in Science we have been studying the digestive system. We had to write up a Science experiment to make our own digestive systems. We worked in groups and mashed up some food to put through different parts of digestion. We used trays to represent the stomach and tights for the intestines. The experiment was a success! We got super messy but it was good fun.

Term 1 - Week Commencing 2nd October

This week Year’s 3 and 4 went to a Rugby Festival at Malmesbury Secondary School. It was very exciting to go to the festival. We scored lots of tries and met children from other local schools. We used the different skills and techniques that Mike had taught us. We all loved it!

Term 1 - Week Commencing 25th September

Last week, two student teachers from a University in Switzerland arrived at school. They are with us for the next 3 weeks. One is called Miss David and the other is Mr Beck. This week they taught us about Switzerland and they are going to teach us about cocoa trees next week. They have also been helping at cookery club and they are going to teach us how to make some dishes from their home countries.

Term 1 - Week Commencing 18th September

In Art we have been making pottery based on Mayan patterns. First, we practised copying and designing our own Mayan patterns. Then we had to design a pot with our patterns on them, we had to use special fine liners to do this. Next, we used clay to make our pots. We did this by either making a hole in the middle of the clay and moulding the pot or we rolled a snake of clay and built the pot up that way. Our next stage is to paint our designs onto our pots.

Term 1 - Week Commencing 11th September

This week Mike from Bath Rugby Club came to teach us Rugby. We played some games such as chicken twin hero, bench ball, clap catch and the electric pig. We had lots of fun and can’t wait for him to come again next week.

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