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Class 1 - key information

Welcome to Class 1!



Useful information for Class 1

PE days Tuesday and Thursday

Your child needs a white T.shirt, black shorts and some daps or trainers in a drawstring bag.  In the winter please could they also have jogging bottoms and a sweat shirt too.

Please ensure all items of  uniform and PE kit are named.

In the summer term we will have swimming lessons on Monday afternoon.

Outdoor Learning

At the end of each short term the children will have a Outdoor Learning session.   On those days they do not need to wear school uniform.  They should wear comfortable clothes which cover the arms and legs to avoid being stung or prickled in the undergrowth.  As the weather gets colder please ensure they wear lots of layers to keep warm!  They should also have a hat, gloves and an extra pair of socks.  We provide waterproofs for them to wear. 


Please could you also ensure your child has a pair of wellies in school.



Please read with your child every day for at least 10 minutes if possible.  Reading books are changed on Monday and Thursday to enable your child to read their book three times to build up fluency and expression.  Reception children also have keyrings with their sounds and tricky words added once they have learned them in school.  Please practise these regularly too.

In addition to reading Year 1 and Year 2 children have Spelling and Maths homework.  Spelling folders need to be bought into school on Mondays when your child is tested and Maths folders on Fridays when they are tested.

Library Bus

Every month we visit the mobile library in the village.  Your child will need a library card from one of the Wiltshire libraries which can be kept in the small pocket in their book bags.  We will send a text message to remind you to bring in books to be returned.

Dates for the mobile library 2024/25 will be:

Tuesday03 September 2024
Tuesday01 October 2024
Tuesday28 November 2024






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