Contact Details
- 01666 840297
Luckington Community School, The Green, Luckington, Chippenham, SN14 6NU
Community School
Welcome and thank you for visiting our website.
Luckington School is an incredibly special place. We are a small school in the beautiful southern Cotswolds within travelling distance of Malmesbury and Chippenham. We offer a warm, welcoming and inclusive environment.
Although small, we pride ourselves on being global looking. We believe that our children have the potential to be the leaders and innovators of the future. Our school is extremely well resourced, thanks to a highly dedicated Friends Of Luckington School. All of our children have access to IT equipment to enrich and enhance their learning, which we believe to be crucial for life in today's society. To set them on their way, we provide a rich curriculum that prepares them for life in an ever changing world. This is underpinned by a set of 7 key values:
Resilience, Compassion, Honesty, Respect, Forgiveness, Reflectiveness and Positivity.
If you would like to know more about our school and find out how we manage mixed ages in our classes, then you are very welcome to come and visit. I would love to show you around. The children of Luckington very much enjoy sharing their achievements and successes. You will see how supportive they are of each other and how engaged with their learning they are. As our children work closely with other year groups as soon as they start school, we find that our children transition extremely well into Key Stage 1 from Early Years, into Key Stage 2 from Key Stage 1 and onwards into Key Stage 3 and secondary school.
We regularly compete and participate in wider events relating to sport and drama. We include visits and visitors that enrich our curriculum beyond National Curriculum expectations. Our after school club offer is excellent, with many of these being either subsidised or free. These clubs vary according to the season and cater for a range of interests, including sport, gardening, cooking and French.
We hope that you enjoy your visit to our website, and that you find any information you are looking for.
Thank you, and I do hope to meet you soon.
Mrs Julie Gingell
Luckington Community School, The Green, Luckington, Chippenham, SN14 6NU