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To access our IT curriculum Purple Mash at home, use this link


"Alan Turing gave us a mathematical model of digital computing that has completely withstood the test of time. He gave us a very, very clear description that was truly prophetic." 

George Dyson 

In our school, our Computing curriculum is designed to make sure that every child has the skills and knowledge to use technology creatively, safely and innovatively.


There has been a significant shift over the past decade in terms of technological advances that affect everyday life. Our children can intuitively use programs and apps from a young age, therefore, the key to our curriculum is to give them the skills to be creative.


It is also important that our curriculum teaches the children to stay safe online. Internet safety runs throughout our Computing curriculum but it also runs throughout the wider curriculum, particularly in PSHE and RE. It is our belief that online safety is a life skill, comparable to road safety or water safety. 


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